IFI Screening - 49,172

Holocaust Education Ireland, in collaboration with the Bulgarian Embassy of Ireland is proud to have hosted a special screening of the movie “49,172” at the Irish Film Institute on May 11th. This remarkable documentary sheds light on the heroic efforts made by the non-Jewish community of Bulgaria, safeguarding the 49,172 Bulgarian Jews from Nazi detainment and persecution. Through compelling interviews and fascinating survivor testimonies, the film captured the strong resilience and compassion that saved countless lives during a dark time in our history. The Bulgarian ambassador H.E Gergana Karadjova also acknowledged the plight of nearly 12,000 Jews in Macedonia and Thrace who were murdered by the Nazis.

The screening was followed by a captivating Q&A session with distinguished guests. Holocaust Education Ireland and the Bulgarian Embassy were honoured to host holocaust survivor Tomi Reichental, the head of Jewish studies at Sofia University Dr Rumyana Marinova-Christidi and the insightful Steven Benedict, a lecturer at the National Film School of Ireland. The guest speakers engaged in a thought provoking discussion, as these individuals shared their insights into the film, offering a deeper understanding of the film's historical context and themes.


Photography exhibition - They Became Us: The Unlikely Lives of Holocaust Survivors in Ireland


Berlin Study Visit: 11-14 April 2023